Saturday, September 7, 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do


Living on a farm is sometimes not always a bed of roses. There are many things that have to be done that no one looks forward to, like weaning the calves.  It's difficult to separate calves from their mothers but it has to be done, whether or not your wintering the mothers or not.  The calves are five months old and yesterday was the day Brent decided they would be weaned.  They were in the shed getting a drink and were away from their mothers and Brent simply shut the gate.  It's usually not that easy but this time it just turned out that way and well, it seemed like the perfect time. If he had planned to do it at that moment, of course, it would've been next to impossible to separate them.  All was good & the calves seemed settled with their hay & water in the shed and the mothers standing outside the shed watching intently at their babies.  Brent and I left to visit his Mom at Kindred Care and get a bite to eat.  When we returned the bawling and mooing had already begun and it's still going on as I write this.  I feel so bad for the mother cows and the calves but I also feel bad for our neighbors.  Every year we do this and I know they can't stand the noise for days on end.  It usually takes a week for things to quiet down  but it's a very long week for everyone.  So, to my neighbors, I'm so sorry you have to be bothered with the noise and I hope you'll forgive us once again.  Thank goodness our neighbors are 4-Hers and have raised calves, pigs, goats, lambs, rabbits, chickens and horses. In other words, they're country people too and I think they understand the reasons we have to wean the claves.  Anyway, I hope so.  This to shall pass just as everything does living on a farm.  Soon, Brent will choose which ones will be sold to make a manageable herd for the Winter.  The calves will be weaned and won't be bawling for their Moms and the Fall days will be peaceful and quiet once again.

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