Thursday, September 5, 2013

Something New


Since I've retired from teaching I've pondered the thought of writing a blog about country living. Today is day I decided to do it.  I've written this once, deleted it by mistake and it's a shot in the dark if I'll ever figure it out.  If you happen upon this page I hope you'll enjoy a small slice of country life living on a farm.  It's a peaceful life and as I grow older I find I appreciate the little things that this life has to offer. The morning sun glistening on the dew clinging to the grass and the cool wind as it brushes across my face.  The Summer days are quickly giving in to the Fall temperatures of coolness as it settles in for the night.  So much to do on a farm to get ready for Winter, but some days I choose to relax and take it all in.  Something I could never do when I was young and raising two sons plus teaching school full time. My second shift in those days always seemed busier than the first. The ability to choose what you want to do each day is a gift after working so hard for forty years. As I slow down I find myself being watchful of the life around me and being thankful for my small slice of life in the country.

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